Surly Steamroller 59cm Frameset Black
Surly Steamroller 59cm Frameset Black, it is very important that you know exactly what you need for in order to ensure that you are truly buying the best Surly Steamroller 59cm Frameset Black for yourself. So, the first question that you need. Is that for what purpose you are planning to buy Surly Steamroller 59cm Frameset Black. Before you buy its, the first thing you must consider is how you plan to use the Surly Steamroller 59cm Frameset Black.
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Products Surly Steamroller 59cm Frameset Black Details !!!
- Track Frame Set
Product Description
The Surly Steamroller. More at home on the street than the velodrome; the Steamroller takes you just about anywhere.;100% Surly 4130 CroMoly steel frame and fork; double-butted main triangle; zero brake-onsFully brazed 1-1/8" threadless CroMoly fork includedFork and seatstay bridge drilled for standard mid-reach (47-57mm) brakesGeometry is more similar to road than track; track crank compatible; BB height is track legal700c x 38mm maximum tire clearance on frame and fork;Item Specifications- ForkColorBlackMaterialChromolyBrake Usage F/RFrontFork Rake38mmAxle to Crown Length375mmCrown Race30.0Steerer Tube Length320mmBrake TypeRoad Caliper - Mid Reach - 47-57mmWheel Size700cFront Hub Spacing100mmFront Axle Type9x1Wheel Mount Center Offset0mmDefined ColorBlackS.H.I.S. Clamp Diameter28.6Steerer TypeStraightItem Specifications- FrameColorBlackBrake Usage F/RRearBB/Frame InterfaceEnglishSeatpost Diameter27.2mmRear Axle Type10x1TT (Effective)58.7cmBrake TypeRoad Caliper - Mid Reach - 47-57mmWheel Size700cBB Shell Width68mmSeat Tube59cmRear Hub Spacing120mmWheel Mount Center Offset0mmMfg Size59cmDefined ColorBlackS.H.I.S UpperEC34S.H.I.S LowerEC34
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