Nashbar Double-butted Aluminum Mountain Bike Frame - 14"
Nashbar Double-butted Aluminum Mountain Bike Frame - 14", it is very important that you know exactly what you need for in order to ensure that you are truly buying the best Nashbar Double-butted Aluminum Mountain Bike Frame - 14" for yourself. So, the first question that you need. Is that for what purpose you are planning to buy Nashbar Double-butted Aluminum Mountain Bike Frame - 14". Before you buy its, the first thing you must consider is how you plan to use the Nashbar Double-butted Aluminum Mountain Bike Frame - 14".
Nashbar Double-butted Aluminum Mountain Bike Frame - 14" before making any final decisions when it comes to buying it is always important to do research and understand Nashbar Double-butted Aluminum Mountain Bike Frame - 14". If you pick out the wrong type of it may be the case that you have to return Nashbar Double-butted Aluminum Mountain Bike Frame - 14".
Products Nashbar Double-butted Aluminum Mountain Bike Frame - 14" Details !!!
Product Description
The Nashbar Double-butted Aluminum Mountain Bike Frame is some BLACK ICE from us to you! Back by popular demand, with new double butted tubing, our world famous hardtail mountain frame is ready to be built up--all you have to do is order one! Made from 6061 series aluminum to keep the weight down, this frame is spec'd with a headtube for a 1 1/8" fork, a replaceable derailleur hanger, 2 sets of water bottle braze-ons and a 27.2mm seat tube All cables are routed along the top tube, and we've made accommodations for newer hydraulic brake systems, so if you want to run a 1-piece cable from your levers to your calipers, this baby can take it As Henry Ford said 90 years ago, "You can get any color you want, as long as it's black" Decals are optional and not applied Frame Size (C/T) 14" 16" 18" 20" Top Tube Length 53cm 55cm 56cm 57cm Head Tube Length 120mm 120mm 120mm 120mm Head Tube Angle 71 71 71 71 Seat Tube Angle 73 73 73 73
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Click here for more information about Nashbar Double-butted Aluminum Mountain Bike Frame - 14"
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